Windows / 17.05.2018

Repairing broken windows is an unfortunate reality of home ownership. For those of you with single-pane windows, the process of replacing the broken pane is pretty straightforward. If you are dealing with a large piece of glass, larger than you can handle comfortably, it is better to let a professional do the job rather than struggle to do it yourself. Glass can be dangerous, so use common sense when deciding what you can and can’t repair. Tools and Materials For Repairing Windows Glass repairs require heavy-duty gloves and protective goggles....

DIY, Safety / 16.05.2018

When planning a home improvement project, don't forget to familiarize yourself with building codes and guidelines. Doing your homework will keep you safe and save money. If you have a home do-it-yourself project in mind, it's important to consider the law when planning your work. The National Electrical Code written by the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) has guidelines that will help insure a safe and legal electrical repair or update. Examples of Code Restrictions Receptacles and Switches Fire Prevention Code limits the number of wires under each screw in a receptacle...

Painting, Renovations / 16.05.2018

A painting project in your home is not just about brushes and rollers, masking tape and spill rags. Take the time to learn about painting safety so that you and all others around you will remain safe during the job. You're not properly prepared in home safety as a DIY until you do. Safety rules for safe work practices are in place because employers have learned what can happen from actual occurrences. With the proper information, you can be just as safe working on these projects at home. PPE (Personal...